target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Feb 2023 - Document type: IDC Survey - Doc  Document number: # US49861023

The North American Physical Security Technology Market: Results from IDC's 2023 Physical Security Technology Market Survey

By:  Mike Jude Loading


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This IDC Survey presents results from IDC's 2023 Physical Security Technology Market Survey.

Physical security technology is becoming the central focus of business planning. Yet the fast pace of innovation and the increasing need to integrate such technology with other business functions and applications are posing a challenge to those charged with making buying decisions. This year's survey indicates that over 30% of physical security professionals are actively considering changing jobs because of the increasing technology challenge.

While this seems to describe the bad-news side of physical security technology, the good news is that such technology is increasingly viewed as a valuable business asset, one that can provide effective telemetry on a variety of business functions. As a result, the perception is that budgets for such technology will increase over the 12–18 months.

This year's survey also provides insights into the impact that physical security telemetry, especially video surveillance, will have on networked infrastructure. Most respondents to the survey believe that the need for video storage, as an example, will increase in both the short and medium term. This is despite the fact that the storage interval for most video data is expected to decline somewhat.

Finally, as physical security technology evolves to encompass cutting-edge technologies such as AI and on-camera analytics, there is a general expectation that these technologies not only will be required but will confer competitive advantages on the companies that adopt them. In short, the physical security market looks bright from a growth perspective, but challenges remain to both the adoption and management of such technologies.


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