target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Nov 2022 - Document type: IDC Survey Spotlight - Doc  Document number: # US49838321

How Sustainability Affects In-the-Moment Purchasing Decisions and How Retailers Can Lead in a Circular Economy

By:  Jordan K. Speer Loading


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This IDC Survey Spotlight answers the following question: How does sustainability affect in-the-moment consumer purchasing decisions?

As sustainability becomes embedded in everyday thinking and practice, consumers are taking responsibility for their own role in preservation. One piece of that involves doing business with companies that themselves are sustainability focused. Another — related — piece is by selecting products that contribute to circularity, by being recyclable, repairable, or resalable/reusable) or more sustainable simply by virtue of their longevity.

This IDC Survey Spotlight demonstrates many of the factors significantly influencing in-the-moment purchase decision making by consumers, including elements that affect product end-of-life issues and overall sustainability. It also provides guidance about how retailers might start to think about influencing post-purchase consumer behaviors to be more sustainable.


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