target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Feb 2023 - Document type: Taxonomy - Doc  Document number: # US49547423

IDC's Worldwide Cloud Data Logistics and Protection Taxonomy, 2023


  • Phil Goodwin Loading
  • Johnny Yu Loading
  • Greg Macatee Loading


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This IDC study describes the functional and competitive markets that make up cloud data logistics and protection. It also describes the adjacencies to other research and markets. Cloud data logistics and protection is an updated name for the multicloud data management and protection CIS. The name is intended to better reflect data management at the infrastructure layer. Data logistics describes how data is captured, moved, stored, protected, and governed in the process of making it available for business use.

"Cloud data logistics and protection is a fresh view on data management at the infrastructure layer," said Phil Goodwin, research vice president, Infrastructure Systems, Platforms, and Technologies Group, IDC. "The essence of data logistics is getting the right data to the right place at the right time with high degrees of accuracy and reliability. Data logistics is foundational to data value extraction efforts, such as DataOps, and is tightly integrated with data security technologies to assure recovery from malware and ransomware."


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