target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Sep 2023 - Document type: Market Analysis Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US49493523

Market Analyst Perspective: Worldwide Data Integration and Intelligence Software, 2023

By:  Stewart Bond Loading


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This IDC Market Analysis Perspective provides insight into the current and future state of the worldwide data integration and intelligence software market. Analysis of current market shares, growth, and trends is viewed in the context of the current state of the modern data environment and in the context of enterprise intelligence architecture as we enter an era of intelligent automation, where a new platform is emerging that is based on data and how organizations extract value from data.

"Modern data environments are complex, characterized as being highly distributed, diverse, and dynamic, and lacking intelligence about the data that leads to underutilization of data and overextension of data management technologies, resulting in technical debt, skills gaps, and gross inefficiencies," says Stewart Bond, research vice president, Data Intelligence and Data Integration Software research at IDC. "Data intelligence and integration technologies provide core capabilities of the data control plane within an enterprise intelligence architecture, helping organizations take control of the modern data environment and infuse trust into data for trusted analysis and decision making in support of improving business outcomes in a digital-first world."


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