target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Mar 2023 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US49467822

IDC Perspective: Data Warehouses, Lakes, and Lakehouses

By:  Carl W. Olofson Loading


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This IDC Perspective discusses the functionality and roles of data warehouses and data lakes, and the benefits of a data lakehouse, as well as the effort in building one. It also supplies the names of some relevant products and vendors in this regard.

"Building a complex of data lake, data warehouse, and lakehouse functionality should be undertaken not for some tactical purpose, but as a strategic initiative," says Carl Olofson, IDC research vice president for Data Management Software. "It takes work to build a lakehouse, but once done, the result delivers ease of development, integration, and the 'democratization of data' going forward."


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