target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: May 2023 - Document type: Taxonomy - Doc  Document number: # US49198723

IDC's Worldwide Quantum Computing Taxonomy, 2023


  • Heather West, PhD Loading
  • Peter Rutten Loading
  • Ashish Nadkarni Loading


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This IDC study provides an overview of and definitions for IDC's Quantum Computing Trends and Strategies syndicated research. It captures the definitions that IDC uses to identify and segment quantum computing infrastructure deployments, consumption models, and services. Further, this taxonomy delineates between strict (quantum only) and not-so-strict (hybrid or quantum-classical) computing systems, platforms and technologies, and associated services. Because the quantum computing market is driven by investments in quantum computing, this study includes a segmentation that details entities that fund quantum computing initiatives and entities that accept such investments for developing products and services.

"In 2021, IDC predicted that the quantum computing industry would experience waves of technological breakthroughs and capabilities that would open the floodgates for new use cases and market segments," said Heather West, senior research manager, IDC's Infrastructure Systems, Platforms, and Technologies Group. "While quantum computing is still far from commercial maturity, quantum hardware and software vendors are steadily progressing toward this goal with the introduction of new technological innovations that make quantum computing more accessible and easier to use, as well as innovations that promise to increase the scale of today's NISQ machines. IDC expects that the next two years will be pivotal in quantum computing development."


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