target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Feb 2023 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US48547922

How SMBs Leverage Their Security Services Providers to Drive Outcome-Based Security

By:  Cathy Huang Loading


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This IDC Perspective discusses two SMB organizations in detail as examples of how SMBs select and leverage their security services vendors to address the most common pain points faced by many SMBs and, more importantly, achieve outcome-based security. The pursuit of business outcomes from the security investment is never exclusive to large enterprises. In conversations with SMB organizations, whether in regulated industries or not, the drive to maximize their security investment is as genuine as that of their large counterparts.

IDC defines the worldwide SMB market as follows:

  • Small business (199 employees):  All regions
  • Medium-sized business (100999 employees): The Americas region and Japan
  • Medium-sized business (100499 employees): The rest of the world

"The pursuit of more effective outcomes from the security investment is never exclusive to large enterprises. The mindset of 'to do more with less' will never go out of fashion. It implies the preference of an easy-to-use, effectively integrated platform with fewer interfaces to manage. Thus it reduces the required training time and monitoring efforts and lowers the risk of user errors," says Cathy Huang, research director, Worldwide Security Services at IDC.


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