target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: May 2021 - Document type: IDC PeerScape - Doc  Document number: # US47715620

IDC PeerScape: Practices for Cold Chain Management and Optimization

By:  Jordan K. Speer Loading


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This IDC PeerScape examines various practices adopted by organizations to improve the automation, real-time visibility, and connectivity of the cold chain, looking at a variety of use cases therein. This IDC PeerScape examines how Pfizer leveraged control tower visibility and automation, along with 24 x 7 human resource support, to get urgent vaccines delivered on time; how Galipo Foods implemented an innovative solution for automated pallet picking in the refrigerated area of its warehouse; and how Golden State Foods (GSF) gained greater transparency and resilience in its cold chain — which is further enabling insights based on the data it is collecting at the edges.

"Increasing global requirements for temperature-sensitive drugs, escalating demand for fresh and preprepared foods, and rising demands for omni-channel fulfillment for both B2C and B2B organizations are driving the need for capabilities that are resilient enough to handle the underlying complexity of satisfactorily and consistently transporting perishable products from origin to destination, optimally, sustainably, and profitably," said Jordan K. Speer, research manager, Global Supply Chains, IDC. "A variety of technologies can be brought to bear to address these challenges, offering real-time visibility, automation, and connectivity among enterprise stakeholders as well as ecosystem partners. The digital transformation that takes place as organizations implement and integrate technologies provides the visibility and insight they need to improve customer service, lower logistics costs, improve efficiency and productivity, reduce waste and improve sustainability, and support new processes, from end to end."


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