target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Nov 2021 - Document type: IDC MarketScape - Doc  Document number: # US47659521

IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Video Surveillance Analytics 2021 Vendor Assessment

By:  Mike Jude Loading


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This IDC study looks at those vendors that provide video management solutions as well as video analytics capabilities either natively or through integration with third parties. As this IDC MarketScape points out, the market is nascent and evolving quickly to more extensive capabilities. As a result, there are few prominent companies, with many companies poised to contend for market dominance. Potential video surveillance analytics buyers need to carefully consider their intended application of this technology, their potential uses of it in the future, and their tolerance for integration overhead before selecting vendors in this market.

According to Mike Jude, Ph.D., research director for IDC's Video Surveillance and Vision Applications research practice, the video surveillance analytics market is an exciting one that is rapidly adopting new technologies. Jude notes: "Video surveillance analytics is an early adopter of AI capabilities and is demonstrating that AI and other cutting-edge technologies can be applied to deliver better security and valuable business intelligence. Yet the market to deliver these capabilities is still evolving, and there are many players with excellent solutions. It is up to the business technology decision maker to determine what the intended uses of such technology will be and select vendors that can help address those use cases."


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