target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Apr 2021 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US47588321

Top Criteria for Application Modernization Service Provider Selection

By:  Peter Marston Loading


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This IDC Perspective provides feedback from Fortune 2000 organizations on the top criteria they utilized to select partners for their application modernization initiatives. IDC conducted nearly two dozen in-depth telephone interviews with varying enterprises and government entities across the world. Through the interviews IDC sought to gain insight into how the organizations approached application modernization and what criteria they used to help them navigate service provider selection. The interviews spanned 12 industries — energy and utilities, high tech, chemicals, healthcare, professional services, construction, food and beverage, aerospace, consumer products, financial services, telecommunications, and government — across nine countries: the United States, Canada, Japan, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Spain, France, Finland, and the United Kingdom.

"Modernizing applications has grown to be a top enterprise initiative for many organizations. As COVID-19 ravaged business operations across the globe, enterprises quickly discovered running older versions of their applications created significant vulnerabilities and impacted abilities to support business operations as well as meet customer demands. As a result, many organizations have reprioritized their application portfolio management efforts and are feverishly working toward modernizing and migrating their application portfolios to not only recover and rebuild from the business degradation that COVID-19 caused but also improve competitive positioning for the future," says Pete Marston, research director, IDC's Intelligent Application Services.


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