target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Dec 2022 - Document type: IDC PeerScape - Doc  Document number: # US47252221

IDC PeerScape: Point-of-Sale Practices to Address Evolving Shopper Expectations

By:  Margot Juros Loading


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This IDC PeerScape examines challenges retailers are encountering in ensuring customer engagement amid the changing expectations and behaviors of the new omni-channel shopper. Shoppers have new expectations for a customized, yet frictionless omni-channel experience no matter how or where they are doing their shopping. They have heightened expectations for checkout across all channels, seeking functionalities such as new contactless payment options, mobile and self-checkout, and ship from store. According to IDC consumer studies, shoppers are now more willing to just walk away from retailers that are not providing the functionalities they want. This IDC PeerScape also shows successful practices by several retailers to meet the challenge of providing frictionless, personalized omni-channel POS experiences to maintain shopper engagement and drive revenue.

"Retailers are investing in the technology needed to modernize their omni-channel checkout functionalities to meet the heightened shopper expectations and thereby ensure shopper loyalty and increase revenues," said Margot Juros, research manager, IDC Retail Insights.


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