target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Mar 2023 - Document type: IDC Survey Spotlight - Doc  Document number: # META50181623

IoT End-User Trends in South Africa, 2023

By:  Derrick Chikanga Loading


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This IDC Survey Spotlight examines the use of Internet of Things (IoT) solutions for safety and security purposes among organizations in South Africa. The data for this study comes from IDC's Telecom and IoT Survey, 2023, conducted across Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa in January of this year.

"Currently, most organizations in South Africa use IoT solutions for smart building development. However, this trend is expected to change as more companies shift to video surveillance and staff identification/access control systems. The need to address safety and security challenges has increased IoT usage in surveillance cameras, digital video recorders, and network video recorders. Asset tracking using RFID is also expected to gain traction. Hence, technology providers should align their development initiatives with emerging use cases to realize increased profit margins from the market." — Research Manager Derrick Chikanga, IT services, IDC Middle East, Türkiye, and Africa


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