Cloud Application Deployment Platforms

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Meet the Experts

Photo of Katie Norton
Katie Norton

Research Manager, DevSecOps and Software Supply Chain Security

Photo of Matthew Flug
Matthew Flug

Research Manager, Cloud Application Deployment Platforms

IDC's Cloud Application Deployment Platforms is focused on cloud platforms that support developers deploying highly performant, modern, and cloud-native applications. The evolution of PaaS, a market initiated by companies such as Heroku and Cloud Foundry, has evolved dramatically to include a wide variety of technologies that enable hybrid cloud platforms, including core to edge. Vendors are providing more complete infrastructure abstraction to enable developers to focus on building and deploying code. Technology coverage under this program includes Kubernetes, serverless, edge, core to edge, server-side WebAssembly, and back-end and front-end services in the context of a modern application deployment platform.

Markets and Subjects Analyzed

  • Cloud application deployment platforms' market size, share, forecast, market segmentation, and analysis
  • Supporting components/services used by developers including integration, event streaming, data management, AI/ML, and container orchestration
  • User requirements and usage patterns for both emerging and existing but evolving use cases by application type
  • In-depth evaluation of vendor business models, architectures, and product and service offering capabilities
  • User demand, requirements, and issues surrounding cloud-based deployments of modern applications
  • Architectural technologies including microservices, event-based systems, DevOps, serverless, and function-driven (functions as a service [FaaS]) technologies as related to modern application platforms
  • The growing use of application deployment platforms at edge locations and aboard resource-limited devices
  • Developer productivity analysis, including assessment of low-code and AI-informed development capabilities that accelerate the process of development to delivery and deployment of applications

Core Research

  • Market Analysis Perspective: Cloud Application Deployment Platforms
  • Market Forecast: Cloud Application Deployment Platforms
  • Market Glance: Cloud Application Deployment Platforms
  • Market Share: Cloud Application Deployment Platforms
  • Buyer Pattern Research and Analysis
  • Core-to-Edge Convergence and the Impact of New Entrants
  • Developer Needs and Operations' Professional Activities Related to Cloud Application Deployment Platforms

In addition to the insight provided in this service, IDC may conduct research on specific topics or emerging market segments via research offerings that require additional IDC funding and client investment.

Key Questions Answered

  1. What cloud application platforms are most often used by developers of modern applications?
  2. How are customers consuming application platforms on-premises, in public cloud infrastructure, and in edge locations and use cases?
  3. What are the current and future technologies in the market?
  4. What is the size of the market for application deployment platforms today and in the future?
  5. What is the forecast for application deployment platforms for the next five years?