Europe, Middle East and Africa: Future of Work

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Meet the Experts

Photo of Andrea Siviero
Andrea Siviero

Senior Research Director, MacroTech, Digital Business, and Future of Work

Photo of Erica Spinoni
Erica Spinoni

Senior Research Analyst, European Research

Photo of Meike Escherich
Meike Escherich

Associate Research Director, European Future of Work

IDC's Europe, Middle East and Africa: Future of Work service provides a holistic view of how technology is changing the way we work. Leveraging IDC's Future of Work framework, it focuses on analyzing technology driven transformation in the workforce, workspace, and work culture. It looks at the impact of IDC accelerators such as IoT, AI/GenAI, robotics, and AR/VR on how work gets done. Designed for both technology providers and buyers, it provides guidance on technology selection and implementation, as well as vendor assessment. Tech buyers will benefit from advice and concrete examples of how they can leverage technology to successfully navigate their workplace transformation strategies and thrive in the new era of AI everywhere. Vendors will benefit from guidance on their product road maps and go-to-market strategies.

Markets and Subjects Analyzed

  • Defining work in the era of AI everywhere
  • The intelligent digital workspace
  • Frontline worker digitalization
  • Managing and measuring employee experience
  • Automation and intelligent technologies unlocking productivity
  • Lifelong learning: reskilling and upskilling
  • The business impact of workplace transformation
  • Technology adoption and change management
  • The flexible work model
  • The office of the future
  • Social sustainability at work
  • Distributed teams and collaboration

Core Research

  • Thought leadership research documents addressing workspace, workforce, and work culture transformation
  • Market Analysis Perspective: the Future of Work in EMEA
  • IDC MaturityScape: Flexible Work 2.0
  • IDC FutureScape: Annual Worldwide Future of Work Predictions
  • Assessments of EMEA-based vendors in Future of Work-related technology areas (MarketScapes)
  • Survey data: annual EMEA IT decision maker & employee surveys

In addition to the insight provided in this service, IDC may conduct research on specific topics or emerging market segments via research offerings that require additional IDC funding and client investment.

Key Questions Answered

  1. What working models will help organizations thrive in the era of AI everywhere?
  2. Where, when, and how do we work? What workplace models can deliver superior business performance and employee experience?
  3. What automation and intelligent technologies will unlock productivity and innovation?
  4. What are the differences in work culture between countries in EMEA?
  5. How do you digitalize your frontline workers?
  6. What service providers are best positioned to deliver the future of the intelligent digital workspace?
  7. What features and functionalities deliver superior end-user experience? How can end-user experience be managed and measured?
  8. What will be the design of the office of the future?
  9. How can talent be attracted and retained?
  10. What is social sustainability? What is the status of digital accessibility in each of the regions?
  11. Is there a disconnect between employers and employees in the future of work? What cultural and leadership style changes are required to remain agile?