Korea Digital Business and Artificial Intelligence Transformation Strategies (Korean Version)

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Meet the Experts

Photo of Min Kim
Min Kim

Associate Research Director, Smart City, IoT and Services

Korea Digital Business and Artificial Intelligence Transformation Strategies (Korean Version) research program delivers a holistic view of how enterprises are transitioning to new digital business, operating, and organizational models powered by artificial intelligence (AI). IDC predicts that as more than 30% of Asia/Pacific organizations are leveraging emerging technology, especially AI, to improve both environmental and business outcomes such as reducing carbon emissions and operating costs, which is part of digital business transformation journey. This research is formed from IDC's C-suite and technology surveys, interaction with the top CIOs in Korea, and deep understanding of technology capabilities and adoption in the market.

Markets and Subjects Analyzed

  • ICT and AI spending to support digital business architecture
  • Cloud environment transformation responding to adoption of AI
  • C-suite primary research from line of business
  • Security and risk research and analysis
  • Ecosystem studies
  • Vendor analysis and selection criteria

Core Research

  • Korea IT Ecosystem Updates Triggered by AI
  • Korea C-Suite Barometer
  • Korea Services Market Transformation Induced by AI
  • Korea Cloud Market Analysis
  • Korea Digital Business Technology
  • IT Spending by Industry and Company Size and Industry Insights
  • Market Perspective on AI, Security, Cloud, and Emerging Technologies

In addition to the insight provided in this service, IDC may conduct research on specific topics or emerging market segments via research offerings that require additional IDC funding and client investment.

Key Questions Answered

  1. How does IT ecosystem change in the digital business era powered by AI?
  2. What do IT vendors' role change in the new ecosystem?
  3. How does IT vendors approach new ecosystems, and what strategies should they have?
  4. What are the challenges, priorities, and spending plans for buyers in Korea, and how can vendors address them?
  5. What are the key digital technologies evolving to enable Korean organizations to transform to digital business?
  6. How are the C-suite roles evolving to run a digital business?
  7. What are the emerging digital business models and AI use cases?
  8. How can the tech buyers address to AI-powered digital business journey?