IDC Manufacturing Insights: Asia/Pacific Manufacturing Industry Intelligence

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Meet the Experts

Photo of Nigel Wallis
Nigel Wallis

Research VP, Americas Industry Insights

Photo of Rani Ratna
Rani Ratna

Senior Research Manager, Manufacturing Insights Supply Chain Programs, IDC Asia/Pacific

Photo of Stefanie Naujoks
Stefanie Naujoks

Research Director

Photo of Wai Yee Lee
Wai Yee Lee

Research Manager

IDC Manufacturing Insights: Asia/Pacific Manufacturing Industry Intelligence will provide technology vendors with an Asia/Pacific manufacturing market perspective, looking at industry subsegments, core processes, and technology categories. This service will provide actionable information to Asia/Pacific marketers, sales leaders and professionals, product managers, market intelligence, and channels managers to accelerate and simplify their jobs, sharing detailed data on industry trends, buying behavior, industry personas, and market sizing.


This advisory service provides an Asia/Pacific view on the manufacturing industry and its subsegments, providing technology suppliers with actionable information on current and future technology purchasing behavior through IDC's proprietary data and analysis.

The service enables subscribers to assess Asia/Pacific market opportunities accurately and better understand their potential prospects by analyzing ICT buyers, both IT and line of business. Research from the service will provide insights into their varying priorities, considering process improvement drivers and their linkage to technology while offering useful guidance to build sales messages and go-to-market initiatives for digital technology providers.

Topics Addressed

Throughout the year, this service will address tech suppliers' needs in the Asia/Pacific region, including:

  • Evaluating the manufacturing technology market opportunity in the Asia/Pacific region
  • Understanding the manufacturing sector buyers and their priorities in the Asia/Pacific region
  • Preparing a focused go-to-market approach for the Asia/Pacific region
  • Refining regionally relevant sales messages

Key Questions Answered

Our research addresses the following issues that are critical to your success in the Asia/Pacific market:

  1. How much will manufacturing in Asia/Pacific spend on ICT today and in the future?
  2. What are the key business drivers in Asia/Pacific across key manufacturing processes?
  3. What technologies are manufacturing companies in Asia/Pacific investing in today? And what are the differences across the manufacturing subindustries in Asia/Pacific?
  4. What are the key business priorities for tech buyers in the Asia/Pacific manufacturing sector, and how does that influence their technology purchasing patterns? How can you map sales opportunities against those business issues?
  5. Who are the key personas to address in the manufacturing sector, and what are their key concerns?
  6. How can I have more relevant and timely conversations with my key customers and prospects in this sector in Asia/Pacific?
  7. How can I stay on top of the issues that matter to manufacturing executives and their challenges, roles, and issues?

Who Should Subscribe

The service provides actionable industry insights and guidance to key IT vendor decision makers operating in or planning to enter into the Asia/Pacific manufacturing market:

  • Asia/Pacific marketers (field marketers and regional CMOs)
  • Asia/Pacific sales leaders and professionals
  • Asia/Pacific product managers (tech domain leads)
  • Asia/Pacific market intelligence and research
  • Asia/Pacific channels managers (alliances and distribution channels/partners)