Content and Knowledge Management Strategies

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Meet the Experts

Photo of Amy Machado
Amy Machado

Research Manager, Enterprise Content and Knowledge Management Strategies

Photo of Holly Muscolino
Holly Muscolino

Group Vice President, Workplace Solutions

Content drives business, and the shift to a digital-first business requires companies to transform their back-office and front-office content-centric business processes from employee onboarding and customer service to regulatory compliance and accounting functions. IDC's Content and Knowledge Management Strategies advisory program examines the fundamental redesign of content services and related use cases that are transformed by digitization and the application of innovative technologies. Driven by the increasing maturity of cloud, artificial intelligence (AI), advanced analytics, and other technologies, opportunities for automation, insights, and knowledge are fueling growth for technology and service providers that enable this market.

Markets and Subjects Analyzed

  • The shift from classic architectures to a unified content model
  • The disruptive influence of generative AI and other AI capabilities on the content supply chain and organizational knowledge sharing
  • Technologies that make up the content services ecosystem, including analytics, component content management systems, task and process automation, intelligent document processing, automated document generation, collaborative solutions, esignatures, and eforms
  • Modern knowledge management technologies and strategies
  • The transition of undefined and unstructured data into insights/action
  • The evolution of capture applications into intelligent document processing
  • Document accessibility
  • Electronic and digital signature expansion across agreements and contracts
  • Remote online notary software

Core Research

  • Worldwide Intelligent Document Processing Forecast and Market Shares
  • Worldwide Content Services Applications Forecast and Market Shares
  • Worldwide Customer Communications Management Software Forecast and Market Shares
  • Worldwide eSignature Forecast and Market Shares
  • IDC MarketScape: Intelligent Document Processing
  • IDC MarketScape: Knowledge Management
  • IDC MarketScape: Intelligent Content Services
  • IDC MarketScape: Customer Communications Management
  • IDC MarketScape: Content-Centric Intelligent Digital Workspaces
  • IDC MaturityScape and MaturityScape Benchmark: Content-Centric Workflow
  • Market Analysis Perspective: Worldwide Content and Knowledge Management Strategies
  • IDC Survey: Knowledge Management
  • IDC Survey: The Unified Content Model
  • IDC Survey: Component Content Management Systems

In addition to the insight provided in this service, IDC may conduct research on specific topics or emerging market segments via research offerings that require additional IDC funding and client investment.

Key Questions Answered

  1. What are the various technologies that are transforming content-centric business processes?
  2. How will a unified content model support the next generation of content-centric use cases and processes?
  3. What are the pain points and other factors driving the transformation of the content supply chain?
  4. How is the role of information and knowledge capture changing? What impact does analytics, generative AI, and other AI technologies have on traditional capture solutions and enterprise content services?
  5. How is a new generation of artificial intelligence, content analytics, and search powering enterprise knowledge sharing?
  6. How can content services vendors address rising customer expectations for more convenience, customization, personalization, and operational efficiency?