target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Aug 2022 - Document type: IDC PlanScape - Doc  Document number: # EUR249552122

IDC PlanScape: Technology and Operational Resilience for Banks

By:  George Briford Loading


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This IDC PlanScape provides business and technology leaders in banks with a set of practical guidelines and a description of the phases, themes, and activities they need to manage to reach an adequate level of technology and operational resilience. Furthermore, the PlanScape points out the risks associated with not having a proper resilience plan and provides a list of which stakeholders need to take responsibility and be accountable for the resilience blueprint. It also contains a section specifying how to deal with risks and resiliency, which are natural consequences of cloud-based workloads.

“Reaching technology and operational resilience in banks is a complex and varied task spanning technology and business units. The bank must have a well-prepared blueprint imbedded at all staff and management levels. It should include the identification of business services, their impact tolerances, and detailed and actionable activities.” — Research Director George Briford, IDC Financial Insights


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