target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: May 2024 - Document type: IDC Survey - Doc  Document number: # EUR152195324

EMEA Automation-Related Employee Perceptions, 2024

By:  Bo Lykkegaard Loading


  • 17 slides

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This IDC Survey presents the attitudes of 4,300 employees across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) in relation to automation technologies and the impact of these technologies on jobs. These responses were collected in February and March for IDC's 2024 EMEA Future of Work (FoW) Employee Experience Survey. This presentation also explores what the results mean for vendors of enterprise software.

"The average employee is not afraid of automation. Four out of every five employees expect technology to have a positive impact on their job, if at all," said Bo Lykkegaard, associate vice president, European Software research at IDC. "However, we identified multiple pockets of automation resistance, where employees fear and loathe technology-induced changes. Knowing where these pockets are can help buyers of automation technologies to better target change management activities."


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