target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Feb 2024 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # EUR151831622

European 5G Monetization and Adoption Strategies: Program Scope and Definitions, 2024


  • Alejandro Cadenas Loading
  • Ingrid Soukupova Loading


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This IDC Perspective provides an overview of the markets covered in IDC's European 5G Monetization and Adoption Strategies research program, analyzes various aspects of 5G strategies (including but not limited to connections and use cases), details the overarching market trends and competitive dynamics of the industry, and provides actionable advice to providers with interests in 5G and mobility management technologies.

"The impact of 5G technologies in different industries is really taking off, and it is expected to accelerate even more in the coming months and years. In these challenging times, 5G is one of the key technologies identified by enterprises to gain efficiencies and get real-time information to make better decisions, so the players involved will need to carefully position themselves and their commercial propositions to capture that opportunity." — Alejandro Cadenas, associate vice president, European Telco Mobility and IoT Research, IDC


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