target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # EUR151809424

What is Black and White and Designed for Security? Meeting ROOMZ Solution


  • Mick Heys Loading
  • Gala Spasova Loading


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This IDC Perspective highlights the evolution of meeting room solutions, focusing on the shift toward real-time management and predictive capabilities. ROOMZ, a Swiss company, stands out with its unique, sustainable e-ink technology and OS-free hardware, offering enhanced security and easy installation. This solution caters to the changing work culture, emphasizing efficiency, security, and aesthetics in workspace management. Buyers are advised to consider security, energy efficiency, and installation flexibility when selecting meeting room solutions.

"Securing the right meeting room solutions requires a comprehensive approach that balances employee experience, aesthetics, security, and functionality," said Mick Heys, vice president, IDC Future of Workplace and Imaging.

"It is equally important that these solutions integrate seamlessly with existing company systems to foster interoperability. Neglecting any of these factors can undermine the effectiveness and adoption of the technology within organizations," said Gala Spasova, senior research manager, IDC European Smart Office.


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