target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Feb 2024 - Document type: Market Perspective - Doc  Document number: # EUR151527224

Services Beyond Print: Targeting the European Manufacturing Sector

By:  Jacqui Hendriks Loading


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This IDC Market Perspective addresses the behaviors and priorities of companies within the European manufacturing industry. The goal is to help print service vendors assess whether their broader services portfolios are aligned — or could be developed to align — with the manufacturing industry's requirements and thereby provide a significant business opportunity.

"While there are many global trends in manufacturing, there are distinct differences in requirements by manufacturing sub-sectors. While the European manufacturing sector wants more than just print services to support their shift to a digital business model, any print service provider targeting manufacturers needs to have deep insight into the relevant sub-sectors. They will need to advocate the value of deploying secure technology-enabled solutions that respond to manufacturers' need for greater resilience and agility, provide enhanced intelligence to help drive business growth, and significantly contribute to their ability to pursue new opportunities." — Jacqui Hendriks, associate research director, European Print Vendor Transformation Strategies, IDC


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