target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Nov 2023 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # EUR151328323

Defining the Role of Industry Clouds in EMEA

By:  Anielle Guedes Loading


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This IDC Perspective discusses industry clouds. Industry clouds have unique characteristics that stand out from traditional clouds due to their vertical integration, modularity, and collaboration options. Moreover, their ability to promote high specialization provides end users industry-specific competitive advantages.

This document also provides an overview of the scope of IDC's European Industry Clouds Research, which covers comparisons of IC adoption rates between industries; the availability of offerings per industry; and verticalization of cloud service provider strategies, consulting organizations, and enterprise software vendors.

"Tech buyers should choose between the five models of industry cloud adoption that best suits the organization's digital transformation as well as its strategic priorities," said Anielle Guedes, lead of the EMEA Cross-Industry Strategies and Use Cases Research.


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