target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Mar 2023 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # EUR150496523

Learning from Ukraine: Building a Framework to Safeguard Governments' Critical Data


  • Louisa Barker Loading
  • Massimiliano Claps Loading
  • Remi Letemple Loading


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This IDC Perspective introduces the idea that governments must manage an exponential amount of data that are vital to their daily activities in fostering citizen-centric services. While sensitive data (particularly top-secret or military intelligence) are generally well identified with a clear management processes, there are datasets that are critical to operations that are not classified. Building a framework to categorize such datasets and to distinguish them from value-adding data is vital for public services organizations and in taking the right actions.

"Governments' concerns go beyond cybersecurity issues. Recent events, pandemics, conflicts, and climate change showed us that if they can foster public services modernization, they also highlighted that resilience is no longer just a buzzword," said Remi Letemple, senior research analyst, IDC Government Insights Europe. "Those actions must be taken before a crisis rather than just in response," said Louisa Barker, research manager, IDC Government Insights Europe.


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