target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: May 2024 - Document type: Market Analysis Perspective - Doc  Document number: # EUR150316423

Market Analysis Perspective: European Smart Office, 2024


  • Mick Heys Loading
  • Gala Spasova Loading


  • 24 slides

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This IDC Market Analysis Perspective provides technology suppliers and buyers with quantitative and qualitative insights into market drivers and inhibitors influencing the European smart office.

This presentation provides a framework for designing a best-in-class workspace and highlights the continuous opportunity for technology suppliers within the office space. It explores the rising importance of technology to support technological parity across remote and on-site workers and analyzes recent investment in these solutions across the region. It also examines how organizations approach office redesign and how employees utilize the space, evaluating employee sentiment in terms of the desired functionality of the office space.

This document also traces the evolution of the office from traditional to flexible workspaces and outlines the needs and requirements of the flexible worker, the flexible employer, and the flexible workspace. Finally, it forecasts office occupancy across Europe and provides actionable advice for technology suppliers on how to maximize their opportunities within the growing smart office space.


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