target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Dec 2022 - Document type: Tech Buyer Presentation - Doc  Document number: # EUR149927622

The European Health Data Space: Opportunities for European Healthcare and Life Sciences

By:  Silvia Piai Loading


  • 11 slides

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This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation provides an overview of the European Health Data Space (EHDS) initiative. It examines how the EHDS can create an ecosystem comprising rules, common standards/practices, infrastructures, and a governance framework for primary and (more importantly) secondary use of health information in Europe. It analyzes opportunities and key challenges that the EHDS brings for European healthcare and life sciences organizations.

This presentation was delivered on November 3, 2022, during the Common European Data Spaces and the Data Economy webinar. This webinar is part of activities for the European Data Market study 2021-2023, a project led by IDC in cooperation with the Lisbon Council.

The European Data Market is a European Commission–funded study that aims to define, assess, and measure the European data economy, with an eye toward supporting the data value chain policy of the European Commission. The program focuses on developing an innovative data ecosystem of stakeholders that drives the growth of this innovative market in Europe. The main results will feed into the annual reviews of the Digital Agenda Scoreboard.


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