target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: May 2024 - Document type: Conference Proceeding: Tech Supplier - Doc  Document number: # DIR2024_T2_KL

Harmonizing the AI and Machine Learning Life Cycle: The Importance of Orchestration

By:  Kathy Lange Loading


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These event proceedings were presented at the IDC Directions conferences in Boston and San Jose in March and April 2024.

AI/ML orchestration is the coordination and automation of various tasks involved in the end-to-end machine learning life cycle, including building, deploying, managing, and monitoring models. Building an AI/ML model is easy, but operationalizing it can be very complex. AI/ML models must be seamlessly integrated into complicated enterprise applications, workflows, and infrastructure. Join this session to explore how disparate ML components can be united into a harmonious, repeatable, and adaptable AI/ML orchestra!


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