target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Mar 2023 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # CHE48497422

IDC Perspective: China Cybersecurity Threat Intelligence Market Insights, 2022

By:  Austin Zhao Loading


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This IDC Perspective conducts an in-depth survey of the development of threat intelligence in China market, including the latest progress, characteristics, and advantages of technology suppliers' threat intelligence-related products and services, as well as the best practices for the application of threat intelligence of customers in multiple key industries, such as finance, manufacturing, internet, and resources, which objectively reflects the current opportunities and challenges for the application and development of threat intelligence in the China market. IDC hopes to provide advice and reference for enterprise customers in their selection of threat intelligence products and services with this report. Digital transformation (DX) promotes the gradual increase in the openness of enterprise business systems and network architectures, and threat intelligence will inevitably play an increasingly important role in the overall cybersecurity protection systems of enterprises in the face of increasingly complex and frequent malicious threats worldwide.

"With the development of recent years, China market has gained a more rational and clear understanding of the value of threat intelligence. On one hand, technology suppliers integrate threat intelligence data into most cybersecurity products/systems to improve the accuracy and timeliness of threat detection and analysis, while providing real-time intelligence capabilities support for enterprise SecOps personnel through professional threat intelligence products, tools, and services, to more intuitively reflecting the value of intelligence. On the other hand, industry customers' demand for threat intelligence is shifting from all industrywide intelligence to exclusive industry specific−targeted intelligence. Enterprises in key industries with adequate budgets in particular are building increasingly perfect multisourced threat intelligence management platforms to continuously operate intelligence. IDC believes that with the further maturity of related technical capabilities, threat intelligence will be integrated into the overall cybersecurity protection system of enterprises in a more diversified form and play an increasingly important role," says Austin Zhao, research manager for the cybersecurity market in IDC China.


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