target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jan 2022 - Document type: IDC Innovators - Doc  Document number: # CHE47364721

IDC Innovators: Zero Trust — Identity and Access Management, 2021

By:  Sophia Wang Loading


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IDC Innovators are emerging vendors with revenue US$100M that have demonstrated either a groundbreaking business model or an innovative new technology ― or both. The following sections present IDC's research overview of Shanghai Nington Information Technology Co. Ltd. (Nington), Shanghai Paraview Software Co. Ltd. (Paraview), and Bamboocloud Co. Ltd. (Bamboocloud), in no particular order.

IDC Innovators are emerging vendors with revenue US$100M that have demonstrated either a groundbreaking business model or an innovative new technology ― or both. This IDC innovators report presents findings from a comprehensive survey conducted on the zero trust identify and access management (IAM) technologies from China vendors Shanghai Nington Information Technology Co. Ltd. (Nington), Shanghai Paraview Software Co. Ltd. (Paraview), and Bamboocloud Co. Ltd. (Bamboocloud).

"In recent years, with the further acceleration of the digital transformation of governments and enterprises, secure access and visits have become an important part of end-user network security construction. Based on dynamic and continuous authentication and assessment, the zero trust architecture helps users achieve real-time dynamic and active secure access through evaluating the devices, identities, data, and other network environments, and has attracted widespread attention in the market. However, at present, identifying vendors' network capabilities in the field of zero trust needs to be further strengthened. In the future, vendors in different technical fields of zero trust should work together to help end users build a zero trust security system," said Sophia Wang, an analyst of IDC China for IT security market research.


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