target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Dec 2021 - Document type: IDC Innovators - Doc  Document number: # CHE47362421

IDC Innovators: Zero Trust — Software-Defined Perimeter and Microsegmentation, 2021

By:  Sophia Wang Loading


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IDC Innovators are emerging vendors with revenue US$100M that have demonstrated either a groundbreaking business model or an innovative new technology ― or both. This IDC innovators report presents findings from a comprehensive survey conducted on the zero trust software-defined perimeter (SDP) and microsegmentation technologies from China vendors, namely Beijing Zhizhangyi Technology Co. Ltd. (Zhizhangyi), Hangzhou Cloudaemon Technology Co. Ltd. (Cloudaemon), Jiangsu Enlink Network Technology Co. Ltd. (Enlink), Datacloak Holding Limited (DataCloak), and Shenzhen Leagsoft Technologies Inc. (Leagsoft Technologies).

"In recent years, with the further acceleration of the digital transformation process of government and enterprises, secure access and visits have become an important content of end-user network security construction. Based on dynamic and continuous authentication and assessment, the zero trust architecture helps users achieve real-time dynamic and active secure access through evaluating the endpoints, identities, data, and other network environments, and has attracted widespread attention in the market. However, since the zero trust architecture requires the integration of multiple security capabilities, the zero trust market is still at a preliminary stage of development, and products and services need to be further improved. In the future, different technology service providers will need to work together to complement each other's advantages and help end users build a zero trust security system," said Sophia Wang, an analyst with IDC China for IT security market research.


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