target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: May 2024 - Document type: Market Share - Doc  Document number: # CA50748324

Canadian Communications Services Market Shares, 2023: Rogers Captures Over 25% Share with Shaw Acquisition

By:  Praveen Datta Loading


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"With a slowing economy, consumers and businesses carefully watching their spending, and a communications market that is growing at a relatively flat 1.9% in 2023, we are seeing service providers shifting their focus from average revenue per user to average margin per user. Service providers will be focused on driving costs out of their business, with an ever-increasing reliance on AI capabilities to do so. At the same time, those that are able to improve customer experiences and innovate services and offers will best defend and grow their revenues," says Praveen Datta, research director of the Canadian Communications Services program at IDC Canada.


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