target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: IDC Survey - Doc  Document number: # AP51602624

ANZ Digital Ecosystem Survey 2024: Changes in Sourcing, Budgets, Selection Criteria and Satisfaction

By:  Linus Lai Loading


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This IDC Survey uncovers shifts in sourcing priorities toward outsourced infrastructure, data, applications, and security services. Budgets are increasing, with the net difference between increasing and decreasing budgets 62% higher than last year. Analytics/data science and application development and modernisation are the most likely candidates for insourcing in this year's results. The area in which changes to SPs are most likely to happen are in hybrid cloud managed services (migration, transformation, and consulting) as they seek better technical capabilities or as contracts are up for renewal. The importance of data governance and management capabilities in SP evaluation is a new entry thanks to the expansion of GenAI. As organisations move from proof of concepts to production, concerns about jeopardising the control of data and intellectual property assets have led to delays. As a result, more effort needs to be put in place for data security, privacy, and trust and AI systems' use of private data. IDC has combined all 440 enterprise responses into one report format with country and segment analyses where appropriate. This is the third report that provides a deep dive into the IT ecosystem of Australia and New Zealand and provides an in-depth analysis of changes in IT SPs' mindshare and sourcing preferences.


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