target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Aug 2024 - Document type: Market Presentation - Doc  Document number: # AP51601324

C2G: Addressing the AI Skill Gap for Enterprise GenAI Application — Exploring Alternatives to Address Skill Issues in Asia/Pacific


  • Deepika Giri Loading
  • Daeil Chun Loading
  • Swapnil Shende Loading


  • 19 slides

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This IDC Tech Supplier presentation provides a view on essential AI skills needed for organizations to effectively harness generative AI (GenAI) technologies, focusing on the strategic choices of buy, fine-tune, or build. The "build versus buy" spectrum ranges from developing models from scratch to leveraging preexisting models for application creation. Each approach necessitates distinct skill sets and expertise. The report provides a framework for understanding how talent requirements differ across these strategies and offers insights into how organizations can progressively expand their talent pool. As companies advance from basic to more sophisticated use cases, the report guides them on building and optimizing their AI capabilities over time.


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