target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # AP50956724

Implications of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework 2.0 for Asia/Pacific Businesses

By:  Christian Fam Loading


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This IDC Perspective highlights the significant enhancements made to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) 2.0. Key updates include the additional of the "govern" function that emphasizes strategic alignment of cybersecurity with organizational governance, as well as a greater focus on the "respond-and-recover" functions to ensure actional outcomes during and after cyber incidents. For businesses in Asia/Pacific, the updated framework offers tools to enhance their cybersecurity posture, align with international standards, and foster better collaboration. Engaging C-suite executives in discussions about CSF 2.0 is crucial for aligning business goals with security strategies and establishing effective governance structures. By understanding and implementing these enhancements, organizations can build robust and adaptable cybersecurity programs that meet the challenges of today’s dynamic threat environment.


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