target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Oct 2023 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # AP50548523

The Impact of Digital Sovereignty in Asia/Pacific Governments


  • Louise Francis Loading
  • Ravikant Sharma Loading


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This IDC Perspective provides a view of the drivers behind Asia/Pacific governments rapidly adopting the principles of digital sovereignty in response to the global geopolitical events in 2022. It provides insight into the impact digital sovereignty on technology investment, regulatory frameworks, partnerships, and new skills.

"In the race toward digital sovereignty, Asia/Pacific governments risk not balancing national interests and the need for open digital borders to build a thriving digital economy," says Louise Francis, public sector research lead, IDC Asia/Pacific. She adds, "Digital sovereignty is about more than data sovereignty. It has many layers that need to be addressed to achieve the right framework specific to the context of the country and its digital aspirations."


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