target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Aug 2023 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # AP50548123

Exploring the Opportunities and Challenges of GenAI: Implications for Asia/Pacific Governments


  • Ravikant Sharma Loading
  • Dr. Chris Marshall Loading
  • Louise Francis Loading


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This IDC study examines the vast opportunities and challenges of generative AI (GenAI) for Asia/Pacific governments. It comprehensively analyzes GenAI's adoption trends supported by IDC survey data. Emphasizing the crucial role of governments, it calls for robust regulatory frameworks based on validated AI principles. The report concludes by providing essential guidelines to effectively embrace GenAI, fostering responsible use and maximizing its transformative potential in the region's digital economy.

"The Asia/Pacific (AP) region leads in GenAI investments with government support, and two-thirds of organizations are exploring or investing in GenAI technologies. Challenges include legal frameworks, content validation, data quality, ethics, deepfakes, copyright complexities, talent shortages, and high costs. To address these, it is imperative for AP governments to prioritize and craft regulatory frameworks focusing on transparency, data protection, safety, IP protection, open data access, and ethical standards to balance innovation and risk management," says Ravikant Sharma, senior research manager, IDC Government insights, IDC Asia/Pacific.


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