target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Oct 2023 - Document type: Market Share - Doc  Document number: # AP50370023

Asia/Pacific Logistics and Transportation Management Applications Market Shares, 2022: Currency Fluctuation Hits Revenue, Supply Chain Appetite Rises


  • Stephanie Krishnan Loading
  • Rani Ratna Loading


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This IDC Market Share offers insights into the shares of logistics and transportation management applications in APJ. Despite the challenges, this market demonstrated healthy growth in 2022 when measured in constant currency. Increased investments in public cloud deployments boosted the growth trajectory. However, the growth is also propelled by the imperative for digital capabilities that enable supply chains to adapt to emerging business models and capitalize on fresh opportunities.

"Manufacturers in Asia are struggling because of currency devaluation and the expensive U.S. dollar. Despite these hurdles, apart from inflation and global uncertainty, companies are willing to invest in digital transformation (DX) to improve their supply chain efficiency and resilience. To help them, supply chain software makers should create platform-based, affordable options that integrate well with the existing system, include the latest technology, such as GPT and AI/ML, and provide local support. This will meet the needs of manufacturers in Asia better," says Rani Ratna, senior research manager, IDC Manufacturing Insights.


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