target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Dec 2022 - Document type: IDC Survey Spotlight - Doc  Document number: # AP49946722

IDC Survey Spotlight: Which Technologies Are Utilities Adopting to Support Their Sustainability Digital Transformation Initiatives

By:  Rakesh Patni Loading


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This IDC Survey Spotlight explores the technologies utilities companies are adopting to support their sustainability DX initiatives. To maximize returns for their shareholders and stakeholders, utility firms must develop stronger business models while keeping sustainability and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) outcomes firmly in view. To build truly sustainable businesses that stand the test of time, utilities will have to adopt policies and processes that address worker health and safety, and the well-being of the wider community and the environment. They will also have to invest in digital technologies that give them the capabilities to deliver on these sustainable business strategies.

"Utility companies are highly regulated and are frequently impacted by decisions made by the government. Regulatory compliance requirements can shift, and risks related to environmental health, safety (EHS) and sustainability need to be assessed and addressed by utility firms on a regular basis. Utilities must adopt digital technologies and develop strict standard operating procedures to mitigate risks, improve worker safety, protect the environment, and build a track record of upholding high standards. By investing in the latest technologies such as EHS software, ESG platforms or CO2 tracking solutions, utilities will be better equipped to manage the changing landscape and ever-increasing expectations of becoming truly sustainable and resilient organizations," says Rakesh Patni, associate research director, IDC Energy Insights and Future of Operations, Asia/Pacific.


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