Semiconductors Team

Helen Chiang

General Manager, IDC Taiwan

Galen Zeng

Senior Research Manager, IDC Asia/Pacific

Adela Guo

Research Director

Shane Rau

Research Vice President, Computing Semiconductors

Brandon Hoff

Research Director, Enabling Technologies: Networking and Comm

Phil Solis

Research Director, Connectivity and Smartphone Semiconductors

Nina Turner

Research Director, Semiconductor Technology Supply Chain Intelligence; Enabling Technologies: AI and Automotive Semiconductors

Mario Morales

Group Vice President, Enabling Technologies and Semiconductors

Soo Kyoum Kim

Associate Vice President, Memory Semiconductors

Rudy Torrijos

Senior Research Manager

Jeff Janukowicz

Research Vice President, Solid State Drives and Enabling Technologies

Kuba Stolarski

Research Vice President, Compute Infrastructure and Service Provider Trends, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Chris Drake

Senior Research Director, Compute Infrastructure and Service Provider Trends, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Edward Burns

Research Director, Hard Disk Drive and Storage Technologies

Leon Kao

Senior Research Manager, Compute Infrastructure and Service Provider Trends, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Ashish Nadkarni

Group Vice President and General Manager, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

New Research

  • By:  Adela Guo Loading

    本IDC市场看法分析了全球汽车半导体生态系统发展的背景、英伟达生态系统建设情况以及对汽车半导体企业的建议。“汽车半导体企业应该通过软硬件协同打造业务生态系统,积累高满意度的客户生态系统。更重要的是,汽车半导体企业还需要加强一流技术的研发生态系统的建设,建立丰富而专业的人才生态系统,通过投资和联盟提升行业生态系统。”——IDC亚太区高级研究总监Adela Guo表示。
  • By:  Adela Guo Loading

  • By: 

    • Edward Burns Loading
    • Soo Kyoum Kim Loading
    • Jeff Janukowicz Loading
    This IDC Market Note provides an overview of Western Digital (WD)’s decision to separate the company’s flash and hard disk drive (HDD) business units into two independent public companies. “The very difficult market for HDD and flash over t...
  • By: 

    • Max Pepper Loading
    • Jennifer Cooke Loading
    • Kuba Stolarski Loading
    This IDC study discusses worldwide edge enterprise infrastructure forecast for 2023–2027. Edge IT is the deployment of IT resources at peripheral or edge locations relative to where an organization's central or core IT is located. The term ...
  • By:  Galen Zeng Loading

    IDC 資深研究經理曾冠瑋表示:「亞太區IC設計市場在多重壓力和不確定性的影響下仍顯韌性,各地區和企業正積極探索創新和突破的途徑,以適應快速變化的市場環境,迎接2024年嶄新的市場機會。」
  • By:  Shane Rau Loading

    This IDC Pivot Table examines the performance of the PC microprocessor market.The following vendor and market data are provided quarterly starting from 1Q16:Market size in unitsVendor shares in unitsMarket size in revenueVendor shares in re...
  • By:  Shane Rau Loading

    This IDC Market Presentation was presented to clients of IDC's Enabling Technologies: Processors and Architectures research program after the market results from the second calendar quarter of 2023 were gathered and analyzed.
  • By:  Shane Rau Loading

    This IDC Pivot Table examines the performance of the server microprocessor market through several market views. For the period 1Q16 through 2Q23, unit shipments and revenue by vendors are included as well as unit shipments by processor arch...
  • By:  Shane Rau Loading

    This IDC Market Analysis Perspective was given to clients of IDC's Enabling Technologies: Processors and Architectures program over the course of 2023. It provides industry highlights, market landscape, competitive assessment, outlook, and ...
  • By:  Galen Zeng Loading

    本次IDC研究將展示全球晶圓代工廠商的市場佔比,針對主要廠商的營收表現、製程技術、產能、產能利用率進行研究分析,以洞察未來的發展趨勢。 IDC資深研究經理曾冠瑋表示:「在半導體供應鏈中,晶圓代工業務扮演著核心角色。雖2023年上半年,受IC設計業者訂單修正的影響,整體表現相對保守;然而,半導體製造是市場長期需求,2023下半年供應鏈庫存逐步去化,晶圓代工訂單逐漸回穩,Smartphone Processor、AI、HPC、CPU、GPU、Wi-Fi、ASIC等領域的晶片增加投...

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