China PC monitor market competition is becoming more and more intense. Both the international and the domestic vendors are striving to develop their products, channels, and services to maintain their competitive advantages in the market. IDC's China Monthly PC Monitor Tracker is designed to help PC monitor vendors that are targeting the large and growing China market. The product offers timely and critical intelligence to aid in strategic and tactical planning to compete effectively in China, which has one of the fastest-growing PC monitor markets.

Technology Coverage

This tracker provides total market size and vendor share for the following technology areas. Measurement for this tracker is in shipments and factory revenue.

Core Coverage

  • Screen size
  • Vendor
  • Product detail
  • Aspect ratio

Geographic Scope

  • China

Data Deliverables

This tracker is delivered on a monthly basis via a web-based interface for online querying and downloads. For a complete delivery schedule, please contact an IDC sales representative. Deliverables for this tracker are:

  • A preliminary pivot table
  • A final historical pivot table
  • Fiona Wu

    Associate Vice President, Client System Research and IPDS, IDC China

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