rsssoftware IDC RSS alerts Application Modernization Trends in Nigeria <P>This IDC Market Perspective discusses key trends in enterprise application modernization in Nigeria. The document also looks at the key challenges and drivers of application modernization initiatives as well as the key vendor selection criteria for such undertakings.</P><P>"Application modernization has become a major initiative of organizations that are continuing with their DX journeys. Organizations in Nigeria are hard at work, transforming their fleets of legacy applications to build business agility and achieve DX and business objectives. Organizations will require assistance from application modernization services vendors and other ecosystem players to successfully carry out these strategic initiatives." Mervin Miemoukanda, senior Research Analyst, telecoms, IT services, and IoT, IDC.</P> Market Perspective Fri, 26 Jul 2024 04:00:00 GMT Mervin Miemoukanda Digital Sovereignty, 2024: Ensuring National Survivability — Key Technologies for Defense and Intelligence Agencies <P>This IDC Market Presentation provides a view into IDC Government Insights' Digital Sovereignty: Ensuring National Survivability. Defense/Intel agencies are focused on defending national sovereignty against nation state threats by actively integrating advanced technologies such as AI, GenAI, 5G, cloud, and cybersecurity to enhance mission outcomes and maintain competitiveness. Several initiatives focus on leveraging GenAI while modernizing IT infrastructure and improving data quality. Programs, such as the Defense Industrial Base cybersecurity program, and collaborations with industry and academia aim to bolster national information superiority.</P> Market Presentation Fri, 26 Jul 2024 04:00:00 GMT Adelaide O'Brien Ecosystem Building Among Sustainability Application Vendors <P>This IDC Market Perspective discusses ecosystem building among sustainability application vendors. The sustainability software market is witnessing a significant trend of coopetition, where vendors are forming strategic partnerships to enhance their market position and foster industry development. These collaborations range from service and software integrations to alliances with other sustainability platforms and enterprise applications with the aim to create a more robust and integrated offering. Such partnerships not only provide a path to market for emerging vendors but also facilitate the operationalization of sustainability initiatives within organizations, highlighting the importance of synergy and deep integration in driving value and advancing sustainability goals.</P><P>"In the realm of sustainability, coopetition among software vendors is not just beneficial — it's essential for ecosystem growth and innovation." — Amy Cravens, research manager, ESG Management and Reporting Technologies at IDC</P> Market Perspective Fri, 26 Jul 2024 04:00:00 GMT Amy Cravens IDC:中国财务应用市场跟踪报告首发,2023下半年市场稳健发展 北京,2024年07月26日——国际数据公司(IDC)首次发布《2023下半年中国财务应用管理市场跟踪研究报告》中显示。2023下半年中国财务应用管理市场规模达到11.2亿美金,同比增长9.4%。IDC预计,到2028年,中国财务应用管理市场规模将达到35亿美金,以11.9%的CAGR稳定发展。 Tracker Press Release Fri, 26 Jul 2024 04:00:00 GMT Industry Digital Transformation Market Forecasts: Americas Financial Services, 2024 <P>This IDC Market Presentation provides technology suppliers with an overview of Americas financial services spending for digital transformation (DX) and insights into the market context influencing that spend for 2024.</P><P>It allows readers to understand Americas financial services DX spending in the context of total DX spend and highlights how financial services (FSIs) institutions are investing across industry-specific DX use cases in the region.</P><P>By looking at the size of the regional market and the top growing use cases, tech supplier executives can better evaluate:</P><UL><LI>Areas for investment in products or services development</LI><LI>Sales and marketing campaign prioritization</LI><LI>Market penetration</LI></UL><P>Used in combination with the other industry intelligence documents, this document can help tech providers gain a competitive advantage across the Americas. "Digital spending remains strong in the financial services sector right across the Americas. Customer experience enhancement continues to be a top area of DX spending focus, with banks, insurers, and wealth management firms seeking to provide benefits, such as enhanced digital banking offerings, onboarding/KYC, and deploying new financial products and services faster to their clients. Now more than ever, FSIs' need to work more closely with their technology partners to develop their competitive advantages through digitalization initiatives," says Nigel Wallis, research VP, IDC Insights.</P> Market Presentation Fri, 26 Jul 2024 04:00:00 GMT Nigel Wallis Omnicom Grows 4.6% in 1H24, as it Becomes More Platform-Based <P>Omnicom did well to record 4.6% growth in 1H24, driven by strong growth in media services. The company is moving towards a platform-based structure aiming to support its creative and media agencies with a backbone of common services. </P> IDC Link Fri, 26 Jul 2024 04:00:00 GMT Douglas Hayward Will Multi-Access Edge Computing Solutions Open Doors to Adjacent Industries for Telcos? <P>This IDC Survey Spotlight presents telcos' strategy for multi-access edge computing (MEC) solutions to their enterprise customers. It contains data from IDC's May 2024 <I>Telecom DX Survey,</I> based on responses from 100 telco operators worldwide.</P><P>"Telcos are building partnerships with hyperscaler and sever vendors for multi-access edge computing solutions to address the growth of edge applications in several industry verticals. Most of the telcos offer MEC solutions for enterprise customers in a form of private/dedicated or public MEC solutions, taking advantage of container-as-a-service (CaaS) edge architecture," Ajeet Das, research director, Telecom Infrastructure at IDC</P> IDC Survey Spotlight Fri, 26 Jul 2024 04:00:00 GMT Ajeet Das Worldwide Collaborative Applications Forecast, 2024–2028: AI, Multimodality, and Multiplayer Workspaces <P>This IDC study looks at the evolution and future advances in the collaborative applications market, specifically how we connect, meet, collaborate, work, and form community and the evolving metrics of delivering value through working together. This includes a significant focus on artificial intelligence's role in evolving collaborative applications. This study includes a focused view on team collaboration applications, enterprise community applications, conferencing, virtual events, and email applications. These software applications cross customer experience and employee experience and are foundational in creating a new generation of digital era metrics based on customer outcomes — and the road to getting there.</P><P>"Collaboration is becoming more multimodal and will start to feel like an AI-enhanced multiplayer game," according to Wayne Kurtzman, research vice president for Social, Community, and Collaboration Applications at IDC. "The evolution of the intelligent collaborative workspace will feature AI "teammates" and videoconferencing that feels lifelike. Collaboration platforms will get better at bridging languages, cultures, and learning styles. AI will change our businesses to leverage creativity, innovation, and application integrations to drive new efficiencies and innovation at scale. IDC expects the worldwide collaboration applications market to more than double to $78 billion by 2028."</P> Market Forecast Fri, 26 Jul 2024 04:00:00 GMT Wayne Kurtzman Worldwide HCI Appliances Workloads Market Update, July 2024: Use of Hyperconverged Infrastructure Appliances for Enterprise Workloads — Impact of AI Workloads and Edge Deployments <P>This IDC Market Presentation provides insights on recent purchasing trends for hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) appliances and their use for enterprise workloads and deployments in edge and core environments. This presentation is an update to the document published in December 2023 (see <I>Worldwide HCI Appliances Workloads Market Update</I>, IDC #<B><A href="/getdoc.jsp?containerId=US45935920">US45935920</A></B>, December 2023). </P> Market Presentation Fri, 26 Jul 2024 04:00:00 GMT Natalya Yezhkova, Dave Pearson Worldwide Sales Force Productivity and Performance Software Forecast, 2024–2028 <P>This IDC study presents a five-year forecast for the worldwide sales force productivity and performance software market. </P><P>"The need for solutions that streamline sales processes, boost seller productivity, and increase customer retention has propelled the sales force productivity and performance software market into an over $18 billion business," says Michelle Morgan, research manager, Sales Force Productivity and Performance at IDC. "The innovation that AI will bring to this market will continue to revolutionize the way we think about B2B selling."</P> Market Forecast Fri, 26 Jul 2024 04:00:00 GMT Michelle Morgan