rsssoftware IDC RSS alerts SUSE Acquires Cloud Native Observability Vendor StackState <P>Year 2024 is revealing how dynamic and fast growing the observability and AIOps market has become. BMC, LogicMonitor, and Dynatrace have already shaken the market with new acquisitions, capabilities, and solutions, and now SUSE is ending the first half-year with a new deal — the acquisition of Dutch cloud-native observability vendor StackState.</P> IDC Link Tue, 02 Jul 2024 04:00:00 GMT Filippo Vanara, George Mironescu Worldwide Client Endpoint Management Software Forecast, 2024–2028 <P>This IDC study provides a five-year forecast for the worldwide client endpoint management software market for the 2024–2028 period.</P><P>"As AI hardware and software become standard components and features in endpoint devices, client endpoint management tools will need to harness this technology to help keep enterprise device fleets well managed, properly configured, compliant with corporate policies, and secure," says Phil Hochmuth, research VP, Endpoint Device Management and Enterprise Mobility, IDC.</P> Market Forecast Mon, 01 Jul 2024 04:00:00 GMT Phil Hochmuth IDC:2023年中国保险业IT解决方案市场迎来格局重塑窗口期 北京,2023年7月1日——近日,IDC发布了《中国保险业IT解决方案市场份额,2 023 》(Doc#CHC50977524,2024年6月) 报告。IDC数据显示,2023年,中国保险业 IT 解决方案市场规模达到 110.8亿元人民币,与 2022年相比增长3.0%。市场规模虽然增长,但整体增速进一步放缓。IDC预计,未来1-3年,业务回暖、利润回升之后,保险IT解决方案市场整体增速仍将逐步回到上升区间。 Research Press Release Sun, 30 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT IDC:蓄势待发——2023年中国视频会议市场份额报告发布 北京,2024年7月1日—— IDC于近日发布了《中国硬件视频会议市场份额, 2023 :厚积薄发》( Doc# CHC50967524 , 2024 年 6 月) 和 《中国云会议市场份额, 2023 :蓄势待发》( Doc# CHC50967424 , 2024 年 6 月) 报告,2023年,中国视频会议市场规模达到9.2亿美元(约合64.9亿元人民币),市场规模较2022年同期下降2.7%。其中,硬件视频会议受市场环境影响,市场规模为6.5亿美元(约合45.7亿元人民币),同比下降7.6%,但对比2023年上半年降幅收窄;云会议市场受益于商业化进程加速,同比增长11.6%,达到2.7亿美元(约合19.1亿元人民币),保持了快速增长态势。尽管2023全年中国硬件视频会议市场发展面临挑战,但是,随着AI技术推动云会议服务升级,以及混合云部署模式的成熟,云会议市场正在成为视频会议市场增长的主要力量。 Research Press Release Sun, 30 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT 融合共生,大模型时代下的云原生基础设施 <P>本研究旨在探讨大模型与云原生基础设施的关系,以及大模型与云原生基础设施将如何相互影响。研究阐述了大模型浪潮下的工程化挑战,并结合云原生基础设施的特点分析了云原生基础设施将如何助力大模型的推理和训练,以及AI应用的开发和重构。研究也分析了大模型将如何赋能云原生基础设施,相关的挑战,并提出了给技术供应商的建议。</P> Market Presentation Sun, 30 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT Bryan Wang 2024 EMEA Cross-Industry Acceleration Survey: Partnership Modes and Next-Generation Ecosystems Engagement <P>This IDC Survey analyzes European organizations' increasing adoption of co-innovation strategies. This includes establishing innovation hubs, centers of excellence, and joint R&D initiatives in sectors such as manufacturing, agriculture, healthcare, and architecture, engineering, and construction. Public-private collaborations (PPCs) and contractual public-private partnerships (cPPPs) are vital in leveraging diverse expertise to address complex social issues, advancing next-generation ecosystems such as the space economy and Tech4Food. Active participation in industry consortia is also becoming a well-sought strategy that enhances specialized technology development, improves pooling resources, accelerates innovation, and reduces costs.</P> IDC Survey Fri, 28 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT Anielle Guedes AI-Enabled Autonomous Operations Building Blocks for Digital Infrastructure Innovation <P>This IDC Perspective highlights the transformative impact of AI, observability, and automation on digital infrastructure operations. It discusses how the shift toward intelligent, software-defined operations will drive modernization of ITOps roles and skills to support more dynamic and agile infrastructure requirements.</P><P>"Autonomous operations pairs AI-enabled analytics and software-defined automation to support intelligent digital infrastructure configuration, control, security, and support services aligned with business priorities and policies," explains Mary Johnston Turner, research vice president, Future of Digital Infrastructure Agenda, IDC. "The rapid rate of AI innovation is accelerating the maturation and scale of autonomous operations opportunities and creating a new set of challenges and opportunities across ITOps, CloudOps, DevOps, DataOps, and line-of-business teams."</P> IDC Perspective Fri, 28 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT Mary Johnston Turner, Jevin Jensen, Stephen Elliot, Mark Leary, Jim Mercer, Shahin Hashim As UCaaS Solutions Begin to Appear in CCaaS Portfolios, Telecom Service Providers Should Take Notice <P>NICE 1CX, a turnkey UCaaS solution, was introduced at the recently completed series of NICE Interactions 2024 events. This OEM-provided UCaaS solution from 3CX offered by NICE is available only as an add-on integrated service to NICE CCaaS. This is the first turnkey UCaaS solution offered by a full-fledged, center vendor targeting businesses that want an integrated UCaaS-CCaaS solution. As such, NICE presents a new competitive challenge to telecom service providers that have been targeting the integrated UCaaS-CCaaS with their unified communications strengths.</P> IDC Link Fri, 28 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT Denise Lund Asia/Pacific (Excluding Japan and China) Big Data and Analytics: Market Trends and Buyers' View <P>This IDC Market Presentation summarizes the key findings from IDC's Worldwide Semiannual Big Data and Analytics Software Tracker, 2H23, incorporating data from multiple surveys. It delves into the market dynamics of big data and analytics software in Asia/Pacific (excluding Japan and China) from 2023 to 2028. The document offers insights into evolving business and data analytics priorities among enterprises in the region, their investment patterns in specialized data processing solutions, and their distribution of analytics/AI workloads. Additionally, this document explores the competitive landscape, including vendor shares, and provides an outlook on the market across public clouds and various deployment types.</P> Market Presentation Fri, 28 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT Deepika Giri, Swapnil Shende Bridging Strategy and Execution, 2024 — How Strategy and Consulting Practice Enhances Engineering Engagements <P>This IDC Market Presentation showcases insights on the technology buyer behavior while opting for product engineering, life-cycle management, and operational technology services and how strategy consulting and advisory practice harness abridging the gap between business needs and engineering solution (see <I>Importance of Partnership Ecosystem for Engineering Service Providers</I><I>,</I> #US51625824, June 2024). This presentation features data points from IDC's 2023 <I>Worldwide Services Path Survey</I>.</P><P>"It is imperative for engineering service providers to focus on connecting the business goal with the engineering problem. Building a robust strategy and consulting practice enables engineering service providers not only to abridge the gap but also ensure a faster turnaround in closing engineering services deals, thus adding significant value to the engineering outcome," said Abhishek Mukherjee, research manager, Digital Engineering and Operational Technology Services at IDC.</P> Market Presentation Fri, 28 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMT Abhishek Mukherjee