rssmobility IDC RSS alerts Tricentis Acquires SeaLights to Expand Portfolio <P>Tricentis acquired SeaLights last month, a SaaS-based, metrics and traceability product that maps code to tests by identifying code changes and then using ML to help assess resulting risks to applications. Founded in 2015 and based in Kfar-Saba, Israel, SeaLights differentiates itself with combined capabilities that use agents to help businesses focus functional testing efforts on areas of change and greater risk, expanding the reach of Tricentis as part of CI/CD pipelines potentially and helping to improve user efficiency. The deal with SeaLights' follows multiple Tricentis acquisitions, including Waldo (3Q23) to augment mobile testing, Israeli startup Testim (1Q22) to complement and extend AI capabilities, and Tricentis' earlier, related purchase of LiveCompare for SAP change impact analysis (and LiveModel and LiveInterface) from IntelliCorp (2Q18). SeaLights is complementary to help broaden Tricentis' impact analysis capabilities, with potential leverage across Tricentis' portfolio.</P> IDC Link Fri, 30 Aug 2024 04:00:00 GMT Melinda-Carol Ballou Worldwide Cloud-Streamed Gaming Forecast, 2024–2028: Western and Eastern Growth Strategies Diverge <P>This IDC study examines the cloud-streamed gaming market from 2024 to 2028. It considers users (MAUs), hours of use (in billions), and revenue ($M) worldwide in four geographic regions: North America, Western Europe, Asia/Pacific (including Japan), and the rest of the world (MEA, Latin America, and CEE combined). In the worldwide section, it segments monthly users and hours of use across mobile, PC/Mac/Chromebooks, and TV screens. The document includes an assessment of key business-to-business (B2B) and B2C vendors and brands. It also assesses market trends, as well as related growth drivers and inhibitors, and examines service-specific U.S. gamer results from 2Q23.</P><P>"The cloud-streamed gaming market proved immune to the major downturn that affected the far larger local mobile, PC, and console gaming markets in the past two years. It still represents a low single-digit share of all spending on video games, but CSG has clear advantages that should push associated revenue in this market segment well above $6.5 billion worldwide by 2028." — Lewis Ward, IDC's research director of XR, Gaming, and Interactive 3D Software</P> Market Forecast Fri, 30 Aug 2024 04:00:00 GMT Lewis Ward Cable MVNOs Enjoy Gains in Subscribers and Revenue for 2Q24; Boost Mobile Losses Continue <P>This IDC Market Note examines the 2Q24 earnings from the three U.S. cable companies that offer mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) services as well as earnings from EchoStar's Boost Mobile MVNO business that were released from July 2023 to August 9, 2024.</P> Market Note Thu, 29 Aug 2024 04:00:00 GMT Pahul Singh Western Europe 4G/5G MPN Shipments, Service Revenue, and Connections Forecast, 2023–2028 <P>This IDC Market Forecast discusses the prospects of the MPN market in Western Europe. It presents key trends that will shape the market over the next five years. It features five-year forecasts for European services revenue, adoption, and connections.</P><P>"Adoption of mobile private networks is growing at a slower pace than expected. Economic uncertainty, lack of fully compelling and clear use cases that justify investments in 5G, and the challenges involved in full commercial deployments at the solution level are the main reasons for this slower progress," said Alejandro Cadenas, associated vice president, European Telco Mobility, IDC. "However, IDC believes that this will be a profitable market and adoption will accelerate in the next one or two years as commercial deployments generate real business outcomes for enterprises will proliferate." </P> Market Forecast Thu, 29 Aug 2024 04:00:00 GMT Alejandro Cadenas Harnessing Hybrid Infrastructure to Fuel AI Business at Scale: A C-Suite Playbook <P>This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation provides C-suite tech and business leaders with guidance to ensure that computing and storage decisions made to support AI proof-of-concept (POC) trials are designed in a way that ensures production-scale deployments will be able to take full advantage of the best fit-for-purpose infrastructure options available. </P><P>The presentation guides decision-makers to evaluate workload-specific performance, cost, and security parameters required to support large numbers of users over time and provides examples of frameworks for looking beyond GPUs to match specific workloads to the most appropriate infrastructure options, whether located on premises, in public clouds, at the edge, or in managed service or colocation sites.</P><P>Specifically, this presentation explains why it is critical to:</P><UL><LI>Look beyond GPUs and leverage a range of fit-for-purpose platforms optimized for the unique needs of different AI use cases in production</LI><LI>Establish a consistent framework for assessing workload requirements and deployment choices based on critical SLOs and KPIs</LI><LI>Focus on data first when making infrastructure choices </LI><LI>Plan for interoperable hybrid architectures</LI><LI>Be ready to continuously adapt as infrastructure and AI capabilities evolve</LI></UL> Tech Buyer Presentation Wed, 28 Aug 2024 04:00:00 GMT Mary Johnston Turner, Ashish Nadkarni, Penny Madsen, Tom Mainelli, Stephen Elliot Karma Automotive Collaborates with Intel to Develop a “Holistic Approach” for Software-Defined Vehicles <P>In August 2024, Intel made two major announcements connected to the software-defined vehicle (SDV) architecture landscape. The first was the announcement of a collaboration with Karma Automotive to shape the software-defined architecture in its upcoming lineup of luxury EVs — Karma Automotive Goes All-In with Intel for a Software-Defined Future.</P><P>In the second announcement, Intel unveiled its first discrete graphics processing unit (dGPU), the Intel Arc Graphics, for supporting in-vehicle AI use cases — Intel Brings Discrete GPU Muscle to the Vehicle Cockpit to Power Next-Gen Automotive AI.</P><P>This document highlights how OEMs working closely with microchip companies are pivotal for enabling in-vehicle AI features and redefining SDV architecture to simplify SDV platform deployment across their portfolio.</P> IDC Link Wed, 28 Aug 2024 04:00:00 GMT Sandeep Mukunda Worldwide Smartphone Market Forecast to Grow Nearly 6% in 2024, Driven by Stronger Growth for Android in China and Emerging Markets, According to IDC Worldwide smartphone shipments are forecast to grow 5.8% year over year in 2024 to 1.23 billion units, according to the IDC Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker. Tracker Press Release Tue, 27 Aug 2024 04:00:00 GMT 最新の国内第3のプラットフォーム市場予測を発表 Japan, 2024年8月27日 - IT専門調査会社 IDC Japan 株式会社(所在地:東京都千代田区九段北1‐13‐5、代表取締役社長:村橋俊介、Tel代表:03-6897-3812)は、国内第3のプラットフォーム市場(※)を調査し、2024年~2028年の市場予測を発表しました。本調査によると、2024年の国内第3のプラットフォーム市場の市場規模(支出額ベース)は、23兆6,895億円、前年比成長率は7.9%になると予測しています。地政学的な不確実性の高まりやインフレを契機とする経済悪化のリスクといった不安要素はあるものの、レジリエンシー強化や脱炭素化の取り組みに積極的な産業や企業が牽引する形でデジタルビジネス向け投資が継続するとみています。2028年には27兆9,327億円に達して、2023年~2028年の年間平均成長率(CAGR:Compound Annual Growth Rate)は4.9%になると予測します。 Research Press Release Tue, 27 Aug 2024 04:00:00 GMT Google Ramps Up On-Device AI and Races Toward Goal of AI Personal Assistant <P>Google made incremental but significant gains toward the goal of having an AI personal assistant that approximates having a real-life personal assistant. Google announced its new phones Tensor G4 SoC and new Gemini Nano capabilities as it looked to put more distance between what it can do and Apple's upcoming AI-related announcements.</P> IDC Link Mon, 26 Aug 2024 04:00:00 GMT Phil Solis Cisco FY 4Q24 Earnings: Revenue Fall in Line with Expectations, But Splunk Boosts Product Orders and Software Subscriptions as Focus Shifts to Security, AI, and Observability <P>On August 14, 2024, Cisco announced the results of its fiscal year 2024 fourth quarter, which generally align with the second calendar year quarter of 2024. Continuing a recent trend, the company's revenue fell when compared with record-high revenue from a year prior, which was boosted by high levels of product backlog that were drawn down and shipped to customers. But, in the most recent quarter, executives noted that demand patterns are starting to normalize. Meanwhile, the company's acquisition of Splunk has accelerated a heightened focus on observability, AI, and security. The company also announced a shakeup of its executive leadership team and a second restructuring plan, which includes job cuts. </P> IDC Link Fri, 23 Aug 2024 04:00:00 GMT Rohit Mehra