rsshardware IDC RSS alerts Japan Enterprise Networks Forecast, 2024—2028 <P>This IDC study provides market estimates and future outlook for the Japan enterprise network equipment market that consists of enterprise Ethernet switches, enterprise routers, and enterprise WLAN equipment in addition to actual results for 2023 — from 2024 to 2028. Despite concerns about high demand and excess inventory through 2022, the Japan enterprise network equipment market continued to grow significantly in 2023. From 2024 onward, the market is expected to recover from a period of turmoil that occurred between 2020 and 2023 because of supply chain constraints resulting from the spread of COVID-19, as well as to see gradual growth mainly in enterprise WLAN equipment and Ethernet switches.</P><P>"As wireless-first becomes established, it is true that there is less room for new introductions in the enterprise WLAN equipment market. Going forward, WLAN equipment vendors will need to shift their strategies from developing white spaces to capturing demand for WLAN based on high reliability and stability. The key to surviving in the new competitive environment will be proposals that take advantage of the cloud-managed network solutions that have been developed in recent years, effective use of the 6GHz band, and the multilink functions made possible by Wi-Fi 7," says Kenichi Kusano, senior research director, IDC Japan.</P><P>This is the English translation of the IDC #<B><A href="/getdoc.jsp?containerId=JPJ50701924">JPJ50701924</A></B>.</P> Market Forecast Fri, 19 Jul 2024 04:00:00 GMT Kenichi Kusano Japan Enterprise/Virtual Client Computing Forecast, 2024–2028 <P>This IDC study analyzes the Japan enterprise client market and Japan client virtualization market in 2023, clarifying the current situation of the market, and making future predictions taking into account IDC's gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate forecast and assumptions as of March 2024.</P><P>Shibuya Hiroshi, senior market analyst, Infrastructure and Devices, IDC Japan, points out, "2024 will be the year that hybrid work becomes established. There will be a demand to combine remote and in-person work in a hybrid manner to improve work efficiency and productivity and create new business. In this type of hybrid work, enterprise clients will be able to take advantage of one effective measure by utilizing the client environment as a strategic foundation."</P><P>This is the English translation of the Japanese document IDC #<B><A href="/getdoc.jsp?containerId=JPJ50704924">JPJ50704924</A></B>.</P> Market Forecast Fri, 19 Jul 2024 04:00:00 GMT Hiroshi Shibutani Japan Networks Market Shares, 2023: A Market That Calls for Networks in the Digital Business Era <P>This document analyzes vendor shares and vendor trends in 2023 for the Japan network equipment market, which consists of Ethernet switches, routers, and enterprise WLAN equipment, by market as a whole and by product area/user segment. Since 2020, the Japan network equipment market has been at the mercy of various external factors, although 2023 saw the impact of external factors begin to subside, the differences in growth between product categories became clear. These uneven market conditions are also reflected in the fluctuations in vendor shares.</P><P>Companies are now beginning to move from digital transformation (DX) to "digital business," in which the value created through the use of digital technology drives corporate profits. In this context, "enterprise network equipment vendors and network integrators must once again present to the market what enterprise networks should look like in the digital business era. Key requirements for the networks required in the digital business era will be the ability to make changes and recover quickly, efficient network operations, and "security by design" (security built into the design stage) in the network. "As the recent success stories in the enterprise network equipment market show, demonstrating a vision for the future and a product portfolio that matches it is sure to lead to positive evaluations from customers," says Kenichi Kusano, senior research director at IDC Japan.</P> Market Share Fri, 19 Jul 2024 04:00:00 GMT Kenichi Kusano 全球半導體製造服務之亞太區IC設計市場佔比,2023年:供應商排名及動態觀察 <P>與此同時,韓國的希領半導體與日本的索思未來科技等業者也不落人後,希領半導體強化OLED顯示驅動晶片的研發,積極切入車用市場;索思未來科技在日本站穩龍頭ASIC地位,已著手研發採用台積電3nm車用製程「N3A」,預計於2026年進行量產未來發展也不可小覷。</P><P>IDC 資深研究經理曾冠瑋表示:「亞太區IC設計市場具備完善的產業基礎,在地緣政治影響之下仍顯韌性,不僅業者積極強化產品組合,各政府也推出一連串政策,為區域內的半導體產業發展提供堅實後盾。展望2024至2025年,隨著Edge AI需求提升及消費性電子等市況回溫,亞太區IC設計市場將迎接嶄新的市場機會。」</P> Market Share Fri, 19 Jul 2024 04:00:00 GMT Galen Zeng 国内ハイパーコンバージドシステム市場予測、2024年~2028年 <P>本調査レポートは、国内ハイパーコンバージドシステム市場における従業員規模別、産業分野別、および地域別の2024年~2028年の支出額予測を提供する。</P><P>IDC Japan、Infrastructure & Devicesのリサーチマネージャーである宝出 幸久は、「今後のデジタルインフラ戦略においては、AI Everywhere(どこでもAI)の基盤となるAI(Artificial Intelligence:人工知能)対応インフラの構築や、エッジを含むマルチクラウド/ハイブリッドクラウドの相互運用性を確保し、自律的な運用を実現することが重要となる。ハイパーコンバージドシステムは、これらの要素を実現し、既存環境の段階的な刷新と新規ワークロードの迅速な展開を両立するソリューションとして、今後のデジタルインフラ戦略において重要な役割を担う」と分析している。</P> Market Forecast Fri, 19 Jul 2024 04:00:00 GMT Yukihisa Hode 1Q24 Asia/Pacific Compete ─ Imaging ─ Industrial Printer (Historical and Forecast) <P>This IDC Compete Market Presentation provides a detailed analysis of the Asia/Pacific (excluding Japan) market coverage on industrial printing hardware market sentiment on a quarterly basis for label and packaging (L&P), desktop label, large format, industrial textile, direct to garment (DTG), and direct to shape (DTS). It includes noteworthy mentions of marketing programs, analyses of key marketing trends, and vendor market shares. The content of the report includes an executive summary, product segmentation, and forecast analysis.</P><P>The data and insights within this presentation are part of IDC’s Worldwide Quarterly Industrial Printer Tracker (1Q24 release).</P> Market Presentation Thu, 18 Jul 2024 04:00:00 GMT Muhammad Faris Latief IDC Enterprise Infrastructure Forum 2024, Japan:AIワークロードを加速するITインフラの未来 <P>本Conference Proceeding: Tech BuyerはIDC Japan、Enterprise Infrastructureのシニアリサーチマネージャーである加藤 慎也による講演の内容をプレゼンテーションスライドと音声ファイルによって提供するものである。</P><P>AI(Artificial Intelligence:人工知能)技術は今なお発展途上でありながら、ビジネスにおいて不可欠な存在となっている。直近ではGenerative AI(生成系AI)の普及によって、GPU(Graphics Processing Unit)搭載サーバーを中心にITインフラの価値が高まっている。さらに、AIのマルチモーダル化などがコンピューティング需要を牽引することで、ITインフラの進化は今後も続く。本講演では、エンタープライズITインフラ市場の変化をデータに基づいて俯瞰し、AIを取り巻くITインフラの動向を分析し、AI向けITインフラの選択に持つべき視点を考察し、提言する。</P> Conference Proceeding: Tech Buyer Thu, 18 Jul 2024 04:00:00 GMT Shinya Kato IDC Enterprise Infrastructure Forum 2024, Japan:データ活用の進化を支えるITインフラモダナイゼーション <P>本Conference Proceeding: Tech BuyerはIDC Japan、Infrastructure & Devicesのリサーチマネージャーである鈴木 康介による講演の内容をプレゼンテーションスライドと音声ファイルによって提供するものである。</P><P>近年のGenerative AI(生成系AI)の進歩は、ビジネス競争におけるデータ活用能力の重要性をさらに高めている。社内外の多様なソース(IoT(Internet of Things)からサードパーティーデータまで)から次々と利用可能になるデータを組み合わせて、高度な知見を導き出すには、その仕組みを支えるITインフラのモダナイゼーションも重要な鍵の一つになる。本講演では、今起きているデータ活用テクノロジー進化をビジネスメリットに結びつけるためには、ITインフラの強化戦略にどのようなビジョンが必要なのか、分析/提言を行う。</P> Conference Proceeding: Tech Buyer Thu, 18 Jul 2024 04:00:00 GMT Yasusuke Suzuki Middle East, Türkiye, and Africa Enterprise Infrastructure Market Overview: 2022H2 Versus 2023H2 <P>This IDC Market Presentation provides an overview of the Middle East, Türkiye, and Africa IT infrastructure market in 2023H2 and related trends across servers, external enterprise storage systems, and enterprise networking (Ethernet switching and routers) compared with the same period in 2022H2. It also compares the performance of the top 10 server, storage, and enterprise networking vendors against the overall market performance and analyzes whether those vendors are outperforming or underperforming the market.</P> Market Presentation Thu, 18 Jul 2024 04:00:00 GMT Shahin Hashim, Victoria Mendes Worldwide and U.S. Managed Print and Document Services and Basic Print Services Market Shares, 2023: Market Stabilizes as Revenue Mix Continues to Shift <P>This IDC study provides worldwide and U.S. market share data for the managed print and document services and basic print services markets for calendar years 2022 and 2023. This document updates <I>Worldwide and U.S. Managed Print and Document Services and Basic Print Services Market Shares, 2022: SMB Growth Helps Sustain Overall Market</I> (IDC #<B><A href="/getdoc.jsp?containerId=US50129823">US50129823</A></B>, July 2023) with actual data for 2023. </P><P>"In today's digital age, the quest for print modernization is reshaping the future of managed print and document services, driving innovation and sustainability," says Robert Palmer, research vice president, IDC's Imaging, Printing, and Document Solutions. "As customers continue to look toward supporting flexible work practices, issues such as cloud, security, collaboration, and user experience will drive innovation throughout the entire print services ecosystem." </P><P>"In a digital age, the quest for print modernization is reshaping the future of managed print and document services, driving innovation and sustainability."</P> Market Share Thu, 18 Jul 2024 04:00:00 GMT Robert Palmer