Enterprise Marketing Technology Applications

Marketing technologies are driving forces for all companies as customers move to online, mobile-first, and collaborative relationship models. In reaching and selling to customers, it is essential that organizations aggressively develop optimal marketing and sales technology infrastructure, operational and analytic skills, collaborative cultures, and the creative problem solving needed to truly add value to customer relationships. IDC's Enterprise Marketing Technology Applications service provides strategic frameworks for thinking about the individual and aligned areas of marketing and sales technology as parts of a holistic business strategy. This program delivers insight, information, and data on the main drivers for the adoption of these technologies in the broader context of customer experience (CX) and connected business strategies.

Markets and Subjects Analyzed

  • Marketing automation, campaign management, and go-to-market execution applications
  • The application of AI and analytics to marketing
  • Mobile and digital applications and strategies
  • Customer data management, orchestration, and analytics
  • Identity, personalization, privacy, consent, and governance
  • CX strategies

Core Research

  • Marketing Campaign Management Software Market Size and Forecast Report
  • Marketing Campaign Management Software Vendor Share Report
  • IDC MarketScapes on related solutions areas such as marketing clouds and artificial intelligence
  • IDC TechScapes and PlanScapes on various topics such as privacy, account-based marketing, personalization, and mobile marketing

In addition to the insight provided in this service, IDC may conduct research on specific topics or emerging market segments via research offerings that require additional IDC funding and client investment.

Key Questions Answered

  1. How can marketing organizations help create the best customer experiences?
  2. What are the implications of the new culture of privacy on marketing teams?
  3. How will the customer experience trend affect enterprise infrastructure road maps and vendor product strategies?
  4. How can marketing leverage technology and creativity to deliver greater value to customers at every interaction?
  5. How will artificial intelligence and machine learning transform marketing?
  6. How can vendors help brands differentiate based on their ability to manage customer data and consent?
  7. How do marketing organizations and systems participate in digital transformation efforts?