target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Aug 2023 - Document type: IDC Survey - Doc  Document number: # US51179023

Smartwatch and Fitness Tracker: Feature Importance and Satisfaction

By:  Ramon T. Llamas Loading


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This IDC Survey looks at the importance of and the satisfaction with key features on smartwatches and fitness trackers in the United States. In spring 2023, IDC surveyed 1,132 smartwatch and fitness tracker owners, asking them which features were important to them, how satisfied they were with them, how they were satisfied by their devices overall, and which brands they would consider when it was time to replace their current ones.

"The distance between what consumers find important on a smartwatch or fitness tracker and their level of satisfaction can be a key determinant in what brand of device they will get next," says Ramon T. Llamas, research director with IDC's Wearables team. "Vendors have been successful at fulfilling expectations around health and fitness tracking, durability, and ease of navigation, but other features like battery life and price leave something to be desired. Meanwhile, there is a long list of other features that our respondents have determined as nice to have but not essential or simply underused. Vendors would do well to understand how they fare in order to compete in the future."


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