target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Mar 2023 - Document type: IDC Survey Spotlight - Doc  Document number: # US50518423

Worldwide Digital Innovators Show More Favorability Than U.S. Organizations for Sharing Technology Through Open Source

By:  Al Gillen


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This IDC Survey Spotlight compares the results of two separate surveys: one covering digital innovators in three major geos (n = 774) and the other one covering IT professionals at large in the United States (n = 201) to demonstrate how the receptiveness varies to make available internally generated software technologies through the process of sharing via open source licensing. Interestingly, digital innovators are considerably more likely to embrace an open source software process.

"This IDC Survey Spotlight illustrates how digital innovators around the world show far greater receptiveness to using open source software sharing as a vehicle to expand the reach of their software creations," said Al Gillen, GVP, Software Development and Open Source, IDC. "By comparison, IT organizations overall in the United States take a more conservative approach to sharing technology through open sourcing."


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