target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Feb 2023 - Document type: IDC PlanScape - Doc  Document number: # US50403723

IDC PlanScape: Secure eSignatures

By:  Holly Muscolino Loading


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This IDC PlanScape describes those factors, explores the various options available to business users to ensure that the appropriate security measures are applied to esignature workflows, and provides guidance to both IT and business decision makers who establish guidelines related to secure esignatures.

"There are compelling benefits associated with the adoption of esignature solutions, and they have become critical for enabling efficient business document workflows in current hybrid work models," says Holly Muscolino, group vice president, Enterprise Content Strategies and the Future of Work at IDC. "However, all stakeholders in the signing process must understand the level of risk associated with each use case and the type of security required to establish adequate protection and best mitigate that risk."


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