target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jul 2023 - Document type: Market Share - Doc  Document number: # US50254023

Worldwide Computer Vision AI Software Tools and Technologies Market Shares, 2022: Demonstrating Continuous Progress and Growth

By:  Matt Arcaro Loading


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This IDC study provides vendor market shares for the worldwide computer vision AI software tools and technologies market for 2022.

"As IDC continues to expand its reach and understanding of the CV AI software tools and technologies supplier market through another year of analysis, what remains clear is the computer vision AI software tools and technology remain a tremendous, short- and long-term investment opportunity for technology suppliers," said Matt Arcaro, research director, Computer Vision AI Software Tools and Technologies at IDC. "The opportunity for pursuing and obtaining computer vision market leadership remains largely untapped, as technology suppliers remain conflicted on which strategy and related investments will have the greatest market impact."


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