target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jan 2023 - Document type: IDC Survey Spotlight - Doc  Document number: # US50048023

Data Sovereignty and Compliance Are Poised to Play a Growing Role in Cloud Buyer Selection and Design Decisions


  • Chris Drake Loading
  • Ryan Caskey Loading
  • Rory Duncan
  • Penny Madsen Loading
  • Sean Riley


  • 2 slides

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This IDC Survey Spotlight looks at the extent to which data sovereignty and industry compliance considerations are influencing and impacting IT operations and procurement decisions among cloud buyers. It includes data from IDC's Cloud Pulse 2Q22 Survey. Survey respondents include cloud buyers globally who were asked what sort of influence data sovereignty and compliance have on their day-to-day IT operations and the extent to which data sovereignty and compliance influence the selection of cloud service providers and primary datacenter environments.

Almost half of IDC's Cloud Pulse 2Q22 Survey respondents say that data sovereignty and industry compliance have factored highly in discussions about the future of their IT architectures, with just 4% of organizations indicating that their IT organization will not be impacted by data sovereignty and compliance considerations. "Among organizations that expect their IT budgets to increase in the coming year, the vast majority believe that data sovereignty and industry compliance considerations will strongly influence service provider selection decisions and decisions about their primary datacenter environments," said Chris Drake, senior research director, BuyerView research at IDC. "Based on these survey findings, IDC expects data sovereignty and industry compliance considerations to be of increasing importance in decisions about the design, operation, and management of IT architectures (including the selection of cloud service providers). This partly reflects the growing importance of regulation — including GDPR, which emphasizes the importance of personal data protection and provides specific rules about data storage and transfer."


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