target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Mar 2023 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US49921623

Data Intelligence in the Future of Intelligence

By:  Stewart Bond Loading


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This IDC Perspective describes how intelligence about data is required to lay the foundation for building enterprise intelligence in the context of IDC's Future of Intelligence framework. It positions how data intelligence can be leveraged in the synthesis of information, delivery of insights, collective learning, and building a data culture.

"Enterprise intelligence relies on data for analytics and decision making, but definition ad context, including relevance, is required to ensure the right data is being used by the right resource, at the best time, and for the right reason. Data context is provided by intelligence about data, " says Stewart Bond, vice president, Data Intelligence and Integration Software Research at IDC. "The foundation of enterprise intelligence is data intelligence. Intelligence about data supports and informs every data-driven learning, analytics, decision, action, and outcome."


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